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Gary's Repair, Power Equipment Sales & Service, 2667 Rd P, Pandora, OH 45877; 419-384-7303

Hays Insurance Agencies, LLC, 202 S Main St, Ada, OH 45810; 419-634-5626

Gardeners of the Bluffton Pandora Area & Monarch Waystation #20217 have announced a "Last Call" to find folks interested in a full sun plot at the Community Garden, 9900 block of S. Main St. On May 17 there was one large 20'x60' plot left, and six 4'x8' Discovery plots left.

Bluffton High School seniors attracted an equal number of onlookers and assistants at the May 15 paint the street night on College Ave. The formerly forbidden, stealthy activity is now celebrated with families and friends. As the evening wore on, many seniors were also covered in paint.

Hundreds of prizes still in play

By Paula Scott

In keeping with Bluffton Sportsmen’s Club traditions, the May 7 Bluffton Trout Derby provided anglers with an opportunity to fish for stocked trout in Buckeye Lake and to win prizes provided by local individuals and businesses (booklet attached HERE).


The Bluffton High School May Student of the Month is Amber Gladwell, a senior with a 3.892 gpa. Amber is the daughter of Paul Gladwell.

Gladwell is in 4-H, a member of the National Honor Society, and is in a small group at the Ebenezer Mennonite Church. She is an after school tutor for the SOS program at Bluffton Elementary School.

She is also a 3-time Academic Letter winner, 2-time Student of the Year recipient in Home Economics and received the A.C.E. Award-Triplett Electrical Scholarship. In her spare time, Amber enjoys babysitting, sewing, traveling, camping, fishing and hunting. 

After graduation, Amber will attend Bluffton University and pursue a degree as an Intervention Specialist.


The Allen County Engineer Office has announced that following roads will be temporarily closed for bridge inspections on Wednesday, May 17, 2023, from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. They include

  • NAPOLEON ROAD, between SR 81 and Sandusky Road
  • PANDORA ROAD, between Putnam and Bixel Roads
  • STATE ROAD, between Wapak and Dutch Hollow Roads

During closure through traffic will be prohibited. 
