All Bluffton Icon News

By Matt M. Stutz

What a game. In a rematch between the two Blanchard Valley Conference rivals, #9 seeded Pandora-Gilboa Rockets traveled to #1 seeded McComb Panthers, in the Division VII region 26, second round playoff matchup, which didn’t disappoint.

Deadline to register for BFR indoor volleyball league is this weekend, November 5-6.

For more information, visit

In recent days, area school districts have issued report cards for students for the first nine weeks of the 2022-2023 school year and honor rolls are being issued.

School districts also received report cards in September 2022. The individual Bluffton schools, as well as the Bluffton Exempted Village Schools district received report cards that can be found at

An archive of Bluffton report cards is found at

How often did you read the Icon in October?

Here's a challenge: Answer the 14 crossword clues to reveal highlights from Bluffton news as found on in October 2022.

Play or print the puzzle at

A text alerts network has been established in Ohio for early warnings about overdose surges and deadly batches of drugs in Northwest Ohio. 

For example, on November 4, three overdoses in 24 hours were reported in Hancock County.

Text “SOAR” to 419-670-7627 to receive Overdose Surge and Deadly Batch Alerts when there is a spike in overdoses or dangerous drugs are found in your area.

Daylight Savings ends in the wee hours of November 6. Whether you change your clocks before you go to bed on Saturday or when you get up on Sunday, you’ll need to move them back one hour.
