All Bluffton Icon News

LIMA–The Ohio State Highway Patrol announced that an OVI checkpoint will be held from 6:00-8:00 p.m. on June 23 on State Route 309 near mile post 17, in Allen County.

The OVI checkpoint, funded by federal grant funds, is planned to deter and intercept impaired drivers.

The checkpoint will also be held in conjunction with nearby saturation patrols to aggressively combat impaired driver-related injury and fatal crashes.

Allen County Public Health issued this reminder: 

ASK Day is June 21, but gun safety matters every day. Before dropping your child off at a friend’s house, ask about firearm storage in the home.

To learn more about how to start a conversation with parents about guns in their homes, visit:

Meet the and advertisers of the week: 

Ferguson Agency, 1356 Township Road 25, Ada, OH 45810, 419) 634-8881

Lulu's Diner, 114 E College Ave, Bluffton, OH 45817, 419-369-5858

Thanks to our advertisers, the Icons are free with no login and no story limit!

Call 567-400-4266 for advertising rates.

By Karen Kier, Pharmacist on behalf of the ONU HealthWise team

In 1968, Harry Nilsson released the album Aerial Bullet with a track titled One.  In the lyrics, he wrote “one is the loneliest number you’ll ever do.”  Harry Nilsson indicated he got the inspiration when he called a friend and got the busy signal going beep, beep, beep. Remember the days when you got a busy signal with no answering machines or voicemail available?

Bluffton Family Recreation has issued a reminder for those interested in registering for T-ball or adult softball. The registration for both these activities ends on Sunday, June 25.

T-ball takes place Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00-7:00 p.m. at the Village Park and runs from July 11 to August 10. Girls ages 4-7 and boys ages 4-6 are invited to participate. The cost is $30 for members and $60 for nonmembers.

Adult coed softball will be held on Sundays at the Village Park from July 9 to August 13, with the tournament on August 13. The cost is $300 per team.

Registeration can be done online at

By Cort Reynolds

The Bluffton Sardines summer swim team handily swept visiting teams Westside and Ada in a Western Ohio Aquatic League makeup tri-meet Tuesday evening, June 20. 

Ada at Bluffton was postponed twice last week due to unseasonably cool and rainy conditions, and thus the meet was combined into a three-team competition.

Bluffton won the combined team event convincingly, sweeping the boys and girls dual meets. Westside finished second, and Ada came in third.
