All Bluffton Icon News

By Karen Kier
Pharmacist on behalf of the ONU HealthWise team

In 1975, Michael Martin Murphey released the song Wildfire after recording at the Ray Stevens Sound Lab in Nashville, Tennessee. Murphey wrote the song about a horse named Wildfire when he was a junior at UCLA based on a dream he had the night before. In an interview about the song, he believed the inspiration came from a story his grandfather would tell him about a Native American legend of a ghost horse. The song hit number one on the US Billboard Top 100 Easy Listening songs.  

By Andy Chappell-Dick

For the last Council meeting of spring, casual polo shirts were de rigueur around the table, with Solicitor Elliott Werth making a statement in bright pink.  Mayor Rich Johnson spurned the trend in his signature sport coat, and Councilor Joe Sehlhorst was understated in a button-down work shirt.

Beginning with Committee reports, Councilor Jerry Cupples described some minor changes to insurance coverage, and asked that Council approve the renewals. Councilor Ben Stahl had a long list of activities by the Tree Commission, including a neighborhood-wide overhaul of Riley Creek Village and new designs for the layout of soccer fields next to SRK. (The meeting packet is attached HERE.)

Register by June 30

The Blanchard River Demonstration Farm Project will host a Field Day on July 11 at Kellogg Farms near Forest. The activity starts at 10:00 a.m. and features presentations on the benefits of subsurface placement of fertilizers and how strip tillage systems can complement and meet agronomic, conservation and economic objectives. 

An experienced farmer panel will then talk about the technical issues of implementing strip till, costs, operational changes and lessons learned. Strip till equipment options will also be addressed. Field demonstrations of strip till units and subsurface applicators will be showcased after lunch. Optional afternoon sessions will look at the nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers cycles and their movement in agricultural systems.

Area farmers interested in learning more about the benefits of subsurface fertilizer placement and strip tillage systems are welcome to attend. Smokehouse 101 will caterer the event and lunch is complimentary but registration is required by June 30 and can be done with a phone call to Doug Deardorff at 740-396-2449 or Jordan Hoewischer at 614-565-3261 (please leave a message).


Elder Victim Ministry (EVM), a program of Crime Victim Services, is asking the community to “Build Strong Support for Elders” as part of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day on Thursday, June 15. Staff will gather at 11am at the CASA Park, 234 N. Main St., Lima, to raise awareness about elder abuse. Partner agencies and community members are encouraged to wear purple and if available, join the group for a photo to be shared on CVS media pages.

CORRECTION ON A CORRECTION: Joyce Suter spied this albino raccoon enjoying her cherry tree. The photo didn't quite reveals the pink eyes, so we altered this caption at the suggestion of a reader. So, now we're correcting our correction..... And while racoons may seem to enjoy a carefree existence ransacking our trash bins, they only live 2-3 years on average.

Field reports from Ohio Division of Wildlife Officers 

Northwest Ohio – Wildlife District Two 

During the 2023 walleye run, State Wildlife Officer Reid Van Cleve, assigned to Ottawa County, patrolled the Maumee River. He observed four individuals fishing from two boats. Officer Van Cleve observed all four individuals keeping snagged walleye. Officer Van Cleve and State Wildlife Officer Mike Ohlrich, assigned to Fulton County, contacted the group and seized nine walleyes as evidence. The four individuals were served citations for their violations. They were found guilty and paid $950 in fines and court costs.  
