A reminder from the Lima Allen County Regional Planning Commission.
The weather in northwest Ohio has finally warmed and motorcycles are out. It's time for a reminder to share the road and take some extra precautions.
Motorcycle riders are reminded to obey traffic laws, wear DOT-compliant helmets, and other protective gear; also, be visible by wearing bright colors or using reflective tape.
Drivers of cars, trucks, and buses are reminded to look out for and share the road with motorcyclists. Increasing cooperation among all road users will help to reduce crashes.
DELPHOS–The visiting Bluffton High School softball team won its Northwest Conference opener 5-4 in eight innings at Delphos Jefferson Monday evening, April 10.
The Pirates improved to 5-4 overall and 1-0 in the NWC with the win. DJ dropped to 3-3 overall and 1-1 in the NWC after the loss.
The following story from the March 7, 1895, Bluffton News, reports on a most unusual response in Beaver Dam (Beaverdam), which resulted from this vote. It is posted word by word.
The spray paint markings on Main St., including the business and residential sections, are instructions for crews that will be replacing aging concrete curbs, driveway entrances and sections of sidewalk.