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Bill Yokas, senior vice president for manufacturing, DTR Industries, provided an update to Bluffton chamber members on DTR during the Nov. 13 chamber breakfast in the town hall.

He told chamber members that all associates laid off eariler this year have returned to work (except for temp workers).

"There are no sacred cows as we have looked at ways to reduce costs at DTR," he said. He told the chamber audience that DTR will beome an all-AV plant, as the rubber hose products will transfer to China.

Scores bowled on: Nov. 7
Boys High Game

Trevor Bunch 112

Hunter Foltz 107

Brayton Businger 102

Jayden Foltz 101

Girls High Game

Molly McCracken 105

Megan Davis 97

Ashleigh King 97

Here is Bluffton High School's 1st qtr. honor roll:
9th Grade - all A:
Julie Althaus, Aaron Basinger, Jessica Brockert, Anna Crisp, Adam Crow, Michael Deter, Kyle Huber, Karli Leugers, Jonathan Nisly, Justin Paul, McKenna Reneker, Nathan Risner, Rachel Sehlhorst, Emily Sprague


7 DNA is on a white Lexus. At the wheel is Ann Leader and sometimes Don. Okay, help us out, what's the specific meaning of the plate?

Sarah Schaaf McCombs and her daughter, Carys McCombs

By Mary Pannabecker Steiner

What year did you graduate from Bluffton High School?


Share some of your favorite memories of growing up in Bluffton -- favorite teachers, stories about school and/or extra-curricular stuff.

There are so many, I would say some of my early favorite memories were hanging out with Sarah and Heidi Thomsen at the creek across from our house and playing all sorts of imagination games - we had quite the active imaginations.

Unloading the Allen County Museum's 1918 Gramm Bernstein Liberty truck at the Lima Refinery restoration is underway.

By Dan Groman

My wife and our two sons had the opportunity this summer to interview Frank Buckles at his home near Charles Town, W.V. Mr. Buckles lives on the extreme eastern panhandle of West Virginia, and at age 108, is the last known U. S. veteran of World War I.
