All Bluffton Icon News

Tuesday, February 28 marks 40 years of service in the insurance and financial services industry for Bluffton’s Daryl Steiner. His partner, Jason Granger, contacted the Icon to point out how exceptional it is to have someone provide four decades of service to their clients.

Steiner opened his own firm in 1983; it became Steiner & Granger LLC in 2005.  

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted; all events are listed on the Icon's Community Calendar

March 2 Music Event: Faculty recital by pianist Dr. Da Eun Choi, 7:30 p.m., Yoder Recital Hall

March 13 Art Event: Senior exhibition “Shared Experience” art exhibit opens, 8 a.m., Grace Albrecht Gallery, Sauder Visual Art Center

March 14 Forum: “Overcoming Obstacles on the Path to Publication,” English Festival Forum by Rae Carson, NYT bestselling author, 11 a.m., Yoder Recital Hall

March 17 Colloquium: “From the Studio to Santiago: Finding Creative Renewal Through AI Imaging, RC Modeling and the Footpath of the Camino,” by Andreas Baumgartner, associate professor of art, 4 p.m., Centennial Hall’s Stutzman Lecture Hall

The Village of Bluffton has distributed the attached packet for the 7:00 p.m. regular Bluffton Council Meeting on February 27.

Action items include:

Shortly after the Allen County EMA posted a severe thunderstorm warning on the afternoon of February 27, an Icon reader reported tree and roof damage at 7400 Swaney Rd, Bluffton, the former Richland Manor.

A tornado watch has been issued for parts of Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio until 6:00 PM EST on Monday, February 27.

Map attached.

Among the many free classifieds on the Bluffton Icon are Help Wanted ads.

If you have a Bluffton (or Ada) area job opening, we'll post it for two weeks at no charge.

Email ads to [email protected]. No phone calls are accepted for ads.

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