Viewers express opinions on stop lights

The following views have been expressed by persons voting on the poll on the home page. The poll asks: What do you think about having only two stop lights on Main Street?"

Total votes as of Saturday, Oct. 3: 77

The light at Main and College is absolutely necessary, as is the light at Common Grounds. There is a lot of pedestrian traffic through there due to the proximity to the schools. The light at town hall can stay gone, but the other two need to come back.

I like all stop signs!

Removing the stoplight at that intersection is pure insanity. Anyone who has been at that intersection between 7:45 and 8:15 a.m., and/or between 3 and 3:20 p.m., knows how busy it can get as school buses, high school kids (still learning the ins and outs of driving), and parents jockey for a parking place or a safe spot to deposit their kids, knows the light is more than just "decoration. Add to that a nearby library, busy gas station, two banks and a post office, and one cannot fathom the decision behind removing the light.


The College Ave. - Main St. intersection can often get very busy, especially on Friday afternoons through the evening.

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