All Bluffton Icon News

Open House on June 14 from 2:00-4:00 p.m. at FNB in Pandora 

Pandora __ Larry Hoffman, EVP, Chief Financial Officer at First National Bank is retiring effective June 30, 2024. Larry began his career with First National Bank at the Pandora office in 2011.

Hoffman has 44 total years of accounting  experience, which includes 13 years of public accounting as a Senior Accountant for  Fruth & Company, CPAs and 18 years in higher education as Controller/Assistant Treasurer at Rhodes State College. Larry and his wife, Marcy, reside in Bluffton and have  3 children, Ellie, Nolan, and Ethan.

Larry has served on many community boards  including Bluffton Soccer Club, Bluffton Chamber of Commerce, Bluffton School Board and St. Mary’s Church and plans to continue his involvement in community service organizations in retirement.  


With approval from the Village council, Vine St. has become a weekend recreation space with amenities provided by local business and property owners. The street will be closed from 7:00 a.m. on Saturday to 5:00 p.m. on Sunday. Convertible seating, mini golf, giant Jenga, and sidewalk chalk are available for all.

Ebenezer Mennonite Church, 8905 Columbus Grove Road, Bluffton, will host a Food Truck Night on June 19 from 4:00 - 8:00 p.m. on the church lawn and in the shelter house.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024 at 7:00 p.m., third floor Town Hall, 154 N. Main

The agenda for the June monthly meeting of the Bluffton Ohio Historical Society includes the following: Bluffton Festival of Wheels (Friday, June 14, 2024), Bluffton Forever website, possible grants and future Facebook 101 training.

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, 301 North Main Street, Jenera, has added a Tuesday night service on selected Tuesdays during the summer. 

Above) Bill Walton as a Portland Trailblazer in 1976-77; the team came back from a 2-0 finals deficit to beat the favored Philadelphia 76ers.

A Bill Walton retrospective on

By Professor Parquet / Cort Reynolds

Bill Walton was the quintessential southern California baby boomer turned flower child.

No one or five articles can adequately describe the multi-layered personality of Big Bill. He was the rare great athlete who transcended his sport.

Armed with boundless energy and enthusiasm, he was a fierce Vietnam War protestor, a political champion of minorities and underdogs, even though he suffered from a severe stuttering problem. Walton was a serious bicyclist and a renowned music lover, especially of his favorite band, the Grateful Dead.

