The dean's list for the spring semester at Bluffton University has been announced. Students with a GPA of 3.6 are eligible for the dean's list. Students whose cumulative GPA is at least 3.75 based on 20 semester hours receive distinction for continued high achievement, indicated by *. Bluffton students include:
Megan Spallinger*
Lauren Paul
Megan McKamey
Gayle Zimmerman
Erin Weaver*
Chase Cupples (Cory-Rawson)
Sarah Binkley* (Cory-Rawson)
Brandon Herr
Devon Matthews
The historic Bluffton mural is history. The renovation to the Groves building involved some replacements of brick blocks. In addition, the mural was covered over.
The historic Bluffton mural is history. The renovation to the Groves building involved some replacements of brick blocks. In addition, the mural was covered over.
The Icon spotted this at the Putnam County Fair. You can't spell every town in Ohio on a license plate. If you can, you must think quickly, before someone else gets the idea.