Crocuses have faded. Daffodils are in full bloom. What's next? Tulips. This bunch of tulips showing off are early bloomers called "Ice Cube." Soon tulip season will bring out all varieties of colors of spring flowers throughout Bluffton.
New approach to stress, pain management topic of Bluffton professor
Dr. Will Slater, professor of psychology and chair of the social and behavioral sciences department at Bluffton University, will discuss "Mindfulness: A Promising Approach to Stress and Chronic Pain Management" at a Bluffton colloquium Friday, April 16.
The event, at 4 p.m. in Stutzman Lecture Hall in Centennial Hall, is free and open to the public.
Note: The Icon did not attend this meeting. Following are the meeting's minutes. The property under discussion is the former Morey's Coffee Shop at the corner of East College and Triplett Drive.
The Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce will host a "brainstorming" breakfast at 7:30 a.m., Friday, April 9, in the third floor of the town hall. The free breakfast, sponsored by Greg's Pharmacy, will allow chamber members to offer their views on what they believe the chamber should focus on during the next few years.
Persons interested in attending should RSVP to [email protected] by Wednesday noon.