All Bluffton Icon News

Here's some snow shoveling tips from Northwest Physical Therapy. The business has an office in the BFR building in Bluffton. The Icon provides it just in time for you know what.

"Snow shoveling is one of those things that no one likes to do, but most of us have to do - living here in Northwest Ohio," says Wanda Dean, MSPT and owner of Northwest Physical Therapy.

Signing in

Bluffton's Chase bank sign receives a 2011 refurbishing on Jan. 5.

The Bluffton Public Library's January calendar is now available. It includes all of the events held in January that are open to the public. You may view the calendar by clicking here.

Jeff Laing of Bluffton is the winner of the Common Grounds-Bluffton Icon guess the number of Icon coffee beans in the container contest.

The official count of beans totaled 5,612, according to Phil Zimmerly of Common Grounds. Laing displayed his bean-counting skill by guessing 5,844 beans, which was off by only 232 beans.

He wins one large specialty drink and sandwich from Common Grounds, plus will be interviewed in The Icon's 15-minute interview feature.

The Bluffton Icon's holiday bowl football contest had a three-way tie for winners. A tie-breaker, however, is in the works.

The first round of winners include: Randy Garmatter, Matt Amstutz and Rick Emmert.

Those three will now pick the winners of the:

January school menus are now available. To view the Bluffton High School menu click here.

To view the middle school and elementary menu click here.
