All Bluffton Icon News

September was warmer and drier than typical Bluffton Septembers, according to Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer.

During September 2010 we experienced 1.19 inches of precipitation (normal is 2.95 inches). The average September temperature was 66.6 degrees. The normal average September temperature is 63.7 degrees.

The September high reading was 93 degrees on Sept. 23. The low was 44 degrees on Sept. 9. The average high daily temperature was 78.2 degrees; the average daily low temperature was 54.9 degrees. The heaviest rainfall was 0.51 inches on Aug. 27.

The public is invited to the Bluffton Hospital "topping off"party. The event is at 10 a.m., Wednesday, Oct. 6, at the hospital. Click to view a display ad listing more details. Here are the specific projects at the hospital for the week of Oct. 4-8.


Date Type of call Location

September 2 MVC N. Main St.
September 4 Medical N. Lawn Ave.

September 4 Fire N. Dixie Hwy.
September 4 Medical N. Lawn Ave.

September 5 Medical Maplecrest Ct.
September 5 Medical E. College Ave.

September 6 Medical W. Elm St.
September 6 Transport Garau St.

September 7 Medical Cherry St.
September 9 Medical Vance St.

We might ask the question...what sport did Menno Simon letter in at Bluffton? Only Jack Earl knows. He created the image of Menno as he gazes across the Bluffton campus on a fall afternoon.

The Icon didn't need to travel west of the Mississippi to find this plate. It came to us. The plate is on a vehicle in a Bluffton University parking log.

The Hepcat Revival Swing Band is the next performer in the Town Hall Concert Series. The performance is at 7 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 23, on the third floor.

Admission is by donation. Costumes optional.
Hepcat Revival is a 7-piece swinging, jump blues band playing toe-tapping music reminiscent of a time when cars were as big as Rhode Island and America traveled by rail.

Decked out in the full regalia of the latest fashions of the 1940s, the band should be at home in Bluffton's town hall.
