Bluffton High School class of 2010 will receive diplomas at 7 p.m., May 29 in the BHS gym.
Britni Cheney
Joel Groman
Breanne Hamilton
Ryan Johnston
Jessica Liska
Joshua Woodruff
Kayne Edwards
Members of the class:
Justin Adkins, Amanda Amstutz, Alexandra Anderson, John Anderson, Joshua Anderson, Clay Atkins, Jaden August, Carrie Bassitt, Lindsey Bassitt, Brett Baxter.
Bluffton will celebrate Memorial Day with a parade, ceremony at Maple Grove and chicken barbecue following the ceremony. Events take place on Monday, May 31.
The traditional Memorial Day parade forms at 9:15 a.m. in front of the town hall. Community groups are invited to participte. At 9:30 a.m. the parade will head south on Main Street to Maple Grove Cemetery. There a ceremony will take place at approximately 10:30 a.m.
A Bluffton Family Recreation (BFR) membership will serve as the grand prize for Bluffton Public Library's "Make a Splash" summer fundraiser. The fundraiser will coincide with the 2010 summer reading program and conclude with the library's 75th anniversary celebration in September.
Beginning June 7, adult cardholders may "adopt" (check-out) a coin can and save spare change as a family this summer. An additional can may be adopted when a full can is returned, while supplies last.
There's a new coffee flavor in town. Common Grounds coffee shop introduced a mild-roasted Bluffton Icon flavor this week. Tasting the first cups are from left, Sharon Zimmerly, Mary Pannabecker Steiner and Katlyn Bates. An official tasting party is planned later in June for all Icon supporters. In the meantime, we invite you to "ask for the Icon by name" on your next trip to Common Grounds.
Some families have lots of cars and a few bikes. We have lots of bikes and one car. Well, technically we have three cars but two of them have decamped for Kent and Cincinnati. In the worst of winter, we have to shuffle the bikes to make room for the car which most of the time resides in the driveway.
We (technically, just I) ride a bike year round - when possible. The other person in this house is more of a fair-weather rider. So when fair weather arrives, we begin the ceremonious "opening of bike season".