All Bluffton Icon News

Somewhere in Putnam County live A.M. and C.M. At least that's the way we figure this plate. We spotted it in front of the Shannon Theatre.

Scores bowled on: Apr.5
High Game

Derek Dukes 290
Derek Dukes 289
Brian Huether 269
Derek Dukes 266
Nathan Bogart 255
Shannon Ingram 249
Al Wisner 247
Shannon Ingram 246

By Andr'e Swartley

Issue #19
Hardball II
Developer: Distinctive Software
Publisher: Accolade, Inc
Platform: DOS PC
Rating: (N/A)

Is your Bluffton High School class holding a reunion this summer? The Icon would like to know the reunion details. Reunion planners are invited to provide the Icon with the date, time and location of any summer reunions. The Icon is also interested in publishing class photos and a 2010 reunion photo of these classes.

Reunion planners should e-mail information to: [email protected].

One day long ago (24 years or so), a certain obstetrician was about to begin yet another C-section. As he set about his work, another physician sat waiting and watching. I'm not sure what his technical job was but apparently he felt oblitated to keep the expectant parents entertained and therefore, oblivious to the surgical procedure.

As the end of the Bluffton school year draws near, the school calendar is filled with concerts, award assemblies and other traditional spring events. Here are some of the major events from the Bluffton High School calendar now until the end of school. Each event listed with a time is in the middle school cafetorium. Prom is at The Centre.

April 16-17-18 - Spring musical

April 24 - Prom

May 2 - Show choir performance, 2 p.m.

May 3 - Middle school choir concert, 7 p.m.

May 5 - Seniors paint the street

May 6 - Rain date on street painting
