All Bluffton Icon News

We've not yet identified the owner of this plate. Perhaps if we go though the "G" listing in the phone book, we might come up with the answer. We do know that ZJG is a Bluffton Pirates sports fan. Viewers, please help with this one.

The NCAA Honors Committee has named the 2007 Bluffton University baseball team andLieutenant Colonel Greg Gadson as recipients of the 2010 Award of Inspiration.

They will be recognized during the 2010 Honors Celebration in January at the NCAA Convention in Atlanta.

On March 2, 2007, a charter bus carrying 30 of 42 student-athletes and three coaches of the Bluffton University baseball team to their season opener in Florida, fell off an overpass onto Interstate 75 in Atlanta, killing five student-athletes and the driver and his wife.

Icon reader Kathleen Mikkelsen of the Mennonite Memorial Home poses an interesting question. Here it is:

"Thanks for this web site! Is this the place for questions? What is the original reason for this change in our time, spring and fall? In asking around, some say, 'golfers' - school children- farmers. Could you print the real reason. thanks!

Readers are welcome to respond.


By Tanya Pike

I have a crush on old, run-down pick-up trucks. Not that I especially want one. But, they are useful in their own ugly way.

A service of Celebration of the Life of Laura Jane Diller Handford will be held at 11 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 28, 2009 at First Mennonite Church, Bluffton, Ohio.

Mrs. Handford, 68, a resident of Derry Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, died Sept. 22, 2009 at her residence.

Mrs. Handford was born Feb. 2, 1941 in Bluffton, Ohio to Leland and Helen Iutzi Diller, who preceded her in death. She married Dr. H. Allen Handford, who survives.

This vanity plate is so old that it really isn't a vanity plate. Under a previous Ohio license plate system, ZB was one of the designations for Bluffton drivers. During the days when a license bureau was actually in Bluffton, the agent would hold back plates for persons who requested the same one year after year. Often the number on the plate represented the driver's street address. In this case, Don and Joanne Overmyer of 325 W. Elm St. kept their plate and made a vanity plate from it when the license system dropped local bureaus.
