All Bluffton Icon News

With spring sports practices starting, it's time to add some outdoor events to our calendars. On Saturday, April 15, Bluffton University will host the men's soccer Alumni Game at 6:00 p.m.--under the lights at Alumni Field.

See attached graphic for Allen County data

COLUMBUS–The Ohio State Highway Patrol joined forces with other members of the 6-State Trooper Project to focus on speed, safety belt and OVI enforcement on Interstate 75. During the project, 682 people in Ohio were issued citations including 618 for speed and 52 for safety belt violations. Additionally, 12 people were cited for OVI.

The number of farms in Ohio in 2022 was 76,500, according to the USDA, NASS, Great Lakes Regional Office. Land in farms was 13.1 million acres, down 400,000 acres from last year. The average size farm in Ohio was 171 acres per farm, down 5 acres 2021. 

The number of farms in the United States for 2022 is estimated at 2,002,700, down 9,350 farms from 2021. Total land in farms, at 893,400,000 acres, decreased 1,900,000 acres from 2021. The average farm size for 2022 is 446 acres, up from 445 acres the previous year.

Letter to the Icon from William Kose, MD, JD, Vice President of Special Projects, Blanchard Valley Health System

Those of you who receive health insurance through Medicaid, or food through Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, will be affected by some changes happening soon.

While these changes are happening at the federal level, and affect multiple agencies, we here at Blanchard Valley Health System want to help make sure everyone has the information they need.

Both Medicaid and SNAP have been operating under different regulations ever since public health declared a federal emergency on Jan. 31, 2020, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. States could not remove the insured from their Medicaid rolls as long as the public health emergency was in effect. 

The boards of directors of Lima Family YMCA and Bluffton Family Recreation Center  (CFR) are pleased to announce they have agreed to come together and operate as one organization. The organization will continue to operate existing facilities and offer programs in both Lima and Bluffton, with the Bluffton Family Recreation Center being re-named Bluffton Family YMCA.

Emmanuel United Church of Christ will be hosting a fish fry on Friday, March 10 from 4:00 to 7:00. The cost is $12 per meal. Dine in or carry out options are available, with carry out including up to three pieces of fish, cheesy potatoes, green beans, apple sauce and a cookie. There is a separate line for carry out.

Emmanuel United Church of Christ is located at 8375 Phillips Rd, Bluffton, and their phone number is 419-358-1561.
