How many Blufftonites have befriended this duck that stands out amongst the mallards on village waterways? Some call him George. Follower and photographer Lyle Henry notes that the duck has been a Bluffton resident for more than a year and a half, and that while his first Trout Derby was a little unsettling for George, he's gotten used to it.
The Bluffton Board of Zoning and Building Appeals will meet at 7:00 p.m. on January 10 in the third-floor Community Room at the Bluffton Town Hall, 154 N. Main St.
Applicants Ryan and Jessica Meyer are asking the Village of Bluffton for permissions to convert the former True Word Tabernacle church at 104 East Elm St. into a multiple apartment facility. Allen County Assessor's records show the 9,844 square foot building was constructed in 1920 and renovated in 2004.
A packet for the January 9 regular meeting of the Bluffton Council has been issued. The meeting will take place at 7:00 p.m. on the third floor of Bluffton Town Hall, 154 N. Main.
Kay L. Ziessler, 80, passed away January 9, 2023 at the Bridge Hospice Care Center, Findlay. Kay was born August 19, 1942 in Bluffton to the late Denver and Olive (Schumacher) Zimmerly. On May 11, 1963 she married Owen Ziessler and he survives.
Larry F. Brunswick of Ormond Beach, Florida passed away peacefully at the age of 82 on December 16, 2022. He was born in Burkettsville, Ohio to the late Raymond and Agnes (Jacobs) Brunswick.