All Bluffton Icon News

CORRECTION: Tara Buroker's last name was spelled incorrectly in the first version of this article.

By Bill Herr
Bluffton Icon columnist

Henry "Colin" Dunbar, 92, passed away December 6, 2022 at the Mennonite Memorial Home, Bluffton. Colin was born March 1, 1930 in Flint, Michigan to the late Henry C. and Agnes M. (Miller) Dunbar. He married Edith Tews Dunbar who preceded him in death on February 10, 2013. 

Colin retired from Detroit Edison where he was an electrical engineer.  One of his enjoyments in retirement was continually furthering his learning.  

Survivors include a granddaughter, Courtney Elizabeth Makin-Caudill of Bluffton; and two great-grandchildren, Autumn Leigh Caudill and Logan Ray Caudill.

The Centre at Bluffton will hold a going out of business sale from 2:00-7:00 p.m. on Monday, December 12 through Wednesday, December 14.

The sale includes decorative items, columns, fabric, paper goods and centerpieces.  Also commercial ice machine, stage and floor scrubber.

The location at 601 N. Main St. is now the home of Bluffton Community, part of the Findlay Evangelical Free Church family of churches.

CARMEL, Ind. – The Heartland Collegiate Athletic Conference (HCAC) has announced the Fall honorees for Tom Bohlsen Academic All-HCAC.  Academic All-Conference selections have at least a cumulative 3.5 GPA and are varsity athletes. 

The cumulative GPA is the student-athletes GPA at the end of the semester preceding the end of the fall season. The student-athlete must have completed the equivalent of a full academic year and must be a full-time enrolled student at the institution to be eligible for the Academic All-Conference award.

EMS Chief Jan Basinger reported the busiest month ever for Bluffton's volunteer crews, with 86 total calls for service. The Icon notes that at recent Bluffton Beyond Tomorrow meetings discussions have included how will this village service keep up with demand?

Blanchard Valley Health System (BVHS) has released a new virtual tour of the Labor & Delivery unit at Blanchard Valley Hospital, providing expectant parents a convenient introduction to the facility.

The tour showcases services and conveniences, and explains traditional and midwife birthing options.
