The ever-changing Icon: an update
You've noticed several changes in our home page layout. Here's some background information on this new coat of paint.
First, we are happy to share with viewers that several new advertisers have joined The Icon. The most interesting part is that these advertisers approached us initially. That's exciting because it says that the word about The Icon is getting around.
We are experiencing nearly 300 views a day. On a recent evening we recorded almost 40 viewers on the Icon site at the same time.
At the moment we are set up to link websites from advertisers. We are working on display ads and classifed ads. We aren't there yet, however. The demand for ads has far exceeded our expectations. We are happy with that problem to deal with.
We've adjusted our home page to now include a feature photo on the top, which is change daily. Each of these feature photos (if you wish to review them) may be found in our "Photo Galleries." You may always click on any Icon photo and it will immediately enlarge for you.
Also on the home page, we've kept our "feature story," but moved it below the "feature photo." When a new feature story appears, the previous one moves to either "people" or to another location inside. It doesn't simply go away.
We've also added a shorter home page story on the left column. This will usually focus on an event coming to the community. Once that story is replaced, the previous story still exists in "events," or an appropriate location, depending up its subject matter.
Just for fun, each day we will feature the name of one of our Facebook Supporters. This feature name is found at the top left of the home page. With it is our speedometer, for lack of a better term. It shows you how many viewers we've experienced since our initial launch.
Below that we will feature a local vanity plate. We know the meaning and background of some of the plates; others, we offer to you a photo and ask if you can help explain the plate's meaning and name the owner for us. All vanity plates are available to view on the "Vanity Plates" page.
Our "columnists" file is now divided into specific categories by theme.
Our "photo galleries" will expand as events take place. Please be aware that you may click on any of the photos to enlarge them and to read the identification of the person in the photo.
Our poll is now on the bottom right side of the home page. We will change it as often as we can come up with something new to ask. Any ideas? Send them our way.
Oh, and please check out our monthly calendar. You may even add events to the calendar yourself if you wish. On the home page, bottom left side, is a "Bluffton events" list. It includes the five current events on the monthly calendar.
For the Facebook and Twitter crowd, check out the bottom left column. Follow us on both options.
Tell your friends about us, continue to follow us for daily changes and watch for new features coming all the time. Thanks for your support and interest.
We are always interested in your suggestions!
Stories Posted This Week
Monday, March 10, 2025
Sunday, March 9, 2025
Saturday, March 8, 2025
Friday, March 7, 2025
- Bluffton High School student tests positive for Chicken Pox
- Cozy Coloring at Bluffton Public Library
- How long have you been a Bluffton Icon reader?
- DeMarco qualifies for Edward Jones recognition conference
- Phillips to present Colloquium at Musselman Library
- Bluffton Beavers sports roundup, Feb. 26-March 4
- David M. Garrison worked for Ford Motor Company