15 minutes with Julia Lucas Curtis
15 minutes with Julia Lucas Curtis
Many Icon viewers may not recognize you or your brothers. Tell us when you lived in Bluffton and who are you grandparents and any other Bluffton connections that you might have.
My mother was Mary Margaret Basinger, daughter of Dr. Evan Basinger and Marjorie Day Basinger. I'm directly descended from two founders of Bluffton: Michael Neunenschwander and Joseph DeFord.
My mother and I and three brothers, Joe, Dave and Matt Lucas spent the year of 1961 in Bluffton. Dad was overseas in the military. I was in 6th grade that year. We spent the better part of many summers in Bluffton during our childhood and teenage years.
That puts you in the BHS class of 1967, had you graduated here. Who do you recall from that class?
Friends were: Louise Weaver, Susie Hilty, Priscilla Friesen, Garth Gerber, Jim Ehrman, David Smucker and Gregg Luginbuhl.
Have you stayed in touch with any class members?
Priscilla and I had lunch years ago in Washington, D.C., Garth Gerber (who lives in Ann Arbor) has had business in Sacramento several times in the past few years and has joined us for dinner. Fred Steiner and I have kept in touch via e-mail since my mother's death in 2002.
I understand you were in Bluffton during the famous tornado of 1965. What do you remember from that event?
A bunch of us ( most of the friends listed) were hanging out at Garth Gerber's house on Lawn Avenue (Harnish residence today) when the tornado hit. The power went out, but we weren't aware of the damage until much later.
Who was your Bluffton teachers in grade school? What memories do you have of grade school in Bluffton?
I remember that we got chocolate milk for lunch on Friday!
Where did you attend college? What's your profession and where do you practice?
I graduated from Oberlin College, went on to grad school and am a clinical psychologist in private practice in Sacramento, California.
Update us about your family...husband, sons, where they live and what they are up to.
My husband of 31 years is also a psychologist, working for Kaiser. Greg (29) has his master's in art and is trying to make a living in Los Angeles. Jeff (26) is an accountant in the Bay area, working on his CPA.
So, the last time you were in Bluffton was for your mother's memorial service. What memories might you recall from the Bluffton Presbyterian Church?
That's the church where Mom was baptized and married, and I was baptized. Many of Mom's friends came to the service, it was wonderful to feel their support.
Have you ever bumped into anyone from Bluffton after you moved from here?
No, I occasionally run into Mennonites, though.
Are there any Basingers in California?
Not that I've met.
Now give us an update on your brothers? Would any of them attended Bluffton elementary?
Joe was in 4th grade, Mr. Ewing was his teacher. Matt is living with his family in San Diego, starting a second career in nursing. Dave and Joe live with their families in Florida, getting together to fish on Joe's boat as often as possible.
If any Bluffton classmate might want to recollect, what's your e-mail?
Oh please get in touch! [email protected]
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