Big idea contest deadline extends to Nov. 30

The entries for the first-everl Big Idea Contest must be postmarked by Nov. 30 and sent to Bluffton Center for Entrepreneurs. This event is designed for aspiring entrepreneurs and start-up businesses in northwest Ohio who have innovative ideas and plan to pursue their own business.

Entries include a two to three page description of the idea as well as the registration form and entry fee of $25. For a copy of the registration form and more information contact John Bauer, 419-358-6400 or visit

Applicants will be judged on the originality, potential for commercialization and long-term viability of their ideas. Prizes will be awarded for the three best ideas.

Grand prize winner will receive $1,000; second place, $500 and third place, $250 to put toward the development of their small businesses. Each winner will also receive assistance in developing a business plan for their big idea. Winners will be announced Wednesday, Dec. 16.

This event is sponsored by AEP Ohio and these small business incubators in northwest Ohio:

oBluffton Center for Entrepreneurs,

oNorth Central Campus for Emerging Technologies,

oRegional Growth Partners/Launch,

oVan Wert Innovation Center,

oDallas Hamilton Center at BGSU, and

oWalter C. Potts Entrepreneur Center.

These incubators provide professional assistance and customized mentoring to entrepreneurs and small businesses, especially during their first few years in the business.