First Mennonite holds nativity display Dec. 9-11

First Mennonite Church will host "Come to the Stable," an event featuring a display of Christmas nativity items on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Dec. 9-11. The event is free and open to the public.

The indoor walk-through display will feature nativity scenes, as well as two-dimensional artwork and Christmas tree ornaments featuring the Holy Family theme. All items have been loaned from members of the congregation, many from countries worldwide, some handmade by local and regional artists. Well over 250 items will be on display during the three-day event.

According to the planning committee, the stated purpose of the event is "telling the story of Jesus' birth in visual form in a welcoming, creative atmosphere." While the event is free, monetary donations to the Bluffton Food Pantry are invited.

The second year for the Bluffton event, the nativity display was inspired by a similar event at the Bowling Green Christian Missionary Alliance Church. Members of their planning committee encouraged the Bluffton group to organize its own event, which was very successful last year with more than 600 people attending.

Louise Wideman, associate pastor and event planning member, emphasized that the display is in keeping with the church's overall mission. "We seek to grow as a community of healing and hope, and are committed to being a place of hospitality. "Come to the Stable" supports these goals," Wideman said.

"Come to the Stable" will be open the following days and times:

oWednesday, Dec. 9 from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m.

oThursday and Friday, Dec. 10-11 from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.

The event is held in the First Mennonite Church Fellowship Hall. The church is located at 101 S. Jackson St., Bluffton.

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