All Bluffton Icon News

Letter to the ICON from Wendy Chappell-Dick:

On Oct. 23 11 members and one friend of the Bluffton Lions Club picked up trash along County Road 313 betweenAllen/Hancock Line Road and State Route 235.

By Joanne Niswander

First, let me apologize for the slow communication. Wireless Internet is hard to come by in the hinterlands of Australia, and that's where we've been lately. I'll probably be back in the States before I'm able to send my next report. But here's what's been happening since my last communiqu'e:

The Bluffton Hospital ER Department roof installation begins next week. In addition, several other projects will proceed, including:

New Emergency Department

Geraldine Bucher, 93 died at 1:10 p.m., Friday, Oct. 22, 2010 at the Mennonite Memorial Home, Bluffton. Arrangements are incomplete at Chiles-Laman Funeral Home, Bluffton.

The scenery at the corner of Garau and Harmon changes every day as the construction at the Bluffton Hospital continues. Here's a view of brickwork going up along Harmon Road.
