All Bluffton Icon News

Here's an office sign you don't see every day, and very soon you will never see again. Can you identify the sign's location? Here's the answer: the main floor of College Hall at Bluffton University. The building is undergoing a renovation this summer. The office sign points to the president's office. It was uncovered during the renovation process.

Join the fun for the second annual Rally Point Youth Center bike tour on Aug. 21. The Rally Point River Ride bike tour is designed to get you outdoors and enjoy the region and Lima's bike path and parks.

Three routes have been marked, one for families (20 mile), weekend bikers (50 miles), and seasoned riders (100 mile route). Join others August 21st as they follow the Ottawa River through the Limas Parks and countryside.

The 20-mile ride takes you around the Lima park system and is designed for families to enjoy riding together as well as seeing the parks.

Bluffton police report the indictment by an Allen County Grand Jury of a Bluffton man for multiple counts of unlawful sexual conduct with a minor.

The Allen County Grand Jury handed up a Bill of Indictment for Armando Vasquez, 37, of Bluffton. The 11-count indictment alleges that Vasquez engaged in a pattern of behavior over a period of several years and engaged in multiple sexual acts over the time span.

"Got ribs," or "Go Try B," or do you have another idea? Please let us know. The Icon spotted this plate on the Bluffton University campus.

Amelia Welch, Mt. Cory, and a 2009 graduate of Cory-Rawson High School has been awarded the Frank Potts Memorial Scholarship of $500.

She will be attending the University of Cincinnati this fall in nursing.The Frank Potts Memorial Scholarship was established in 1999 in the memory of the late Frank W. Potts, for his dedication and commitment in the fire service.

Get your horns, drums, flags and batons out and start practicing. Former Bluffton High School marching band members are invited to join the 2010-2011 Bluffton High School marching band for the pre-game show on Friday, Sept. 3.

This includes horns, woodwinds, percussion, flags and majorettes. Those who are able are welcome to march down from the high school to the field with the band prior to the game.
