The Icon recently mentioned the foot X-ray machine in a Bluffton business. Here is Walter Gratz, owner of Gratz shoe store, Bluffton. The store eventually became Bazzy's Shoe Store. Most Bluffton residents 50 and older probably had their first pair of shoes purchased in the Gratz store.
Rhythm in Motion Dance Centre, of Ada, is holding its third annual spring recital, Saturday June 12 at Ada High School. Shows are at 1 p.m. and 6 p.m.
The theme of "Games" encompasses playground games to board games to sports. There will also be a special opening number honoring the memory of Michael Jackson.
Trinity Lutheran Church, Jenera, will hold mid-week services during the summer. These are in addition to the regular Sunday services. Mid-week services are held Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. from June 15 to Aug. 17.
Vacation Bible School will be held from July 25-29 at the church. VBS is open to youth who have finished pre-school through fifth grade. Times are nightly from 6 to 8:30 p.m.
Barbecue chicken and pulled pork dinners will be available during the Hometown Amerifest on Saturday, June 26. The meals will be served from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., at the Presbyterian Church lawn.
Persons may eat in or carry out. The meals are catered by Ted's Market. Tickets are available at the Bluffton Presbyterian Church (419-358-5806) or Village Cut and Curl (419) 358-7593.
Choices include either one-half chicken, cheesy potatoes, green beans and roll, or pulled-pork dinner with cheesy potatoes and a roll. Meals are $6.50 each.
It's lunch time for the Purple Finch family. The Ion photographer captured a male Purple Finch placing nuts and dried fruit in the mouth of the female Purple Finch. We assume the female may soon head back to a nest with the carryout lunch.
I didn't know the X-ray machine was possibly still in the old Walter Gratz shoe store (my friends and I called him Walter Goose because he sold Red Goose shoes), but I remember stepping into it when my parents would take me in to get shoes at the store.
Seeing my foot bones, which were so interesting!, was quite enlightening. Perhaps it led to my daughter's career choice as an anatomist.