Ebenezer Mennonite Church children's choir, Disciple Singers, will present a spring musical "GPS (God's Plan of Salvation)" Sunday, May 2, at 7 p.m. at the church. The story is about a girl named Ariel and her friends as Ariel takes her driver's license test on the Holy Highway. She learns a few lessons the hard way and perseveres and learns that with Jesus Christ in her life, the road of obedience leads to the throne of God.
Bluffton boys' basketball is hosting an alumni tournament on Sunday, May 23. For more information please go to www.blufftonpirates.com (boys' basketball tab) or contact Todd Boblitt at (567)204-5903 or [email protected]
Bluffton Lil' Pirates will hold a Harlan chicken barbecue on Friday, May 7, from 4:30-7 p.m. in front of the highschool. Meals cost $7 each and all monies raised will go to subsidizing player summer camp fees. For tickets, contact Todd Boblitt at (567)204-5903 or [email protected]
April is Community Banking Month, and members of the Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA) and Citizens National Bank are celebrating the role that community banks play in the economic, civic and cultural life of their communities in cities and towns throughout America.
Celebrating its 90th year as a community bank, Citizens National Bank has coincided its celebration with Community Banking Month. In honor of this milestone, each Citizens National Bank office will be serving birthday cake on Friday, April 30, during normal business hours to its customers.
Have we posted this one before? Perhaps, but it may be on a new vehicle this time around. If memory serves us correctly, Ron Badertscher was born in 1941. Viewer thoughts are welcome on this one.
Note: The Icon recently invited members of the Bluffton University Communication 105 class to submit material for publication. The following is the first of a four-part series of "opinion pieces" by Whitney Zumberger, a member of the class. We invite viewer comments on this series.