Scores bowled on: Apr.12
High Game
Brian Huether 257
Josh Lydick 257
Paul Simko 255
Levi Bontrager 253
Brian Huether 251
Denny Caskie 247
Adam Badertscher 246
Derek Dukes 245
High Series
The next American Red Cross bloodmobile visit to Bluffton is Friday, May 7, from 8:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. at Bluffton High School in the New Gymnasium, located at 106 W. College Ave. in Bluffton.
Persons who donate will receive a free t-shirt.
To help increase donation activity during the summer, the Red Cross is bringing back Red Cross Racing for a third season. This online donor rewards program encourages more people to give blood and asks eligible donors to give more often.
Area teachers may now apply for a McDonald's MAC Grant, which offers financial support to help teachers Make Activities Count for their students.
Local McDonald's Owner, Jerry Lewis, is offering this educational initiative to assist area elementary and middle school teachers.
Recognizing that lessons often become more meaningful when demonstrated with hands-on experiences, McDonald's supplements regular classroom curriculum by supporting activities that the school's budget may not allow.
The Bluffton High School class of 1945 will celebrate its 65th reunion on Saturday, July 17.
The event will feature a catered luncheon on the third floor of the Town Hall.
"There are approximately 24 class members who have been notified and we expect a good turnout.All of us are in our 80s, but the memories of things that occurred in 1945 are vivid and fun to recall," said class member Charles A. Triplehorn of Hilliard,
Note: To read previous columns by Joanne, click here.
In the days before TV's Oscar and Miss Piggy, before Howdy Doody and Captain Kangaroo, there were picture books. Remember those??? Do you recall sitting on your grandmother's lap as she read to you the story of Peter Rabbit's narrow escape from Mr. McGregor's garden?
Hear that lonesome whistle, blowing down the tressle, whooo-weee. Most residents don't give it much thought, but freight trains like this one are twice-a-day visitors to Bluffton. Usually in the evening, this freight generally carries freight from Bellevue to Muncie, Ind. This one is heading toward Bellevue.