All Bluffton Icon News

Persons interested in positions with the U.S. Census will be interested to know that there are test sessions for potential employees set at the Bluffton Public Library.

Those dates and times are:

2 p.m., Feb. 6

5 p.m., Feb. 11

2 p.m., Feb. 13

Persons wanting more information should contact:

Phillip Carlen
402 W. Sandusky St.
Findlay, OH 45840

[email protected]

The Bluffton University Concert Band, Bluffton Chamber Winds, and Jazz Ensemble will perform their annual Winter Instrumental Concert at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 21, in Yoder Recital Hall. The event is free and open to the public.

The Concert Band, under the direction of Dr. Jeffrey D. Boehm, professor of music, will perform several selections. Some selections include: "Circus Days March" by Karl L. King, two movements from "Merry Mount Suite for Band" by Howard Hanson and all movements of W. Francis McBeth's "Of Sailor's and Whales: Five Scenes from Melville."

2-4-10 Upside-down on the feeder

The upside-down bird

Actually it's a nuthatch. This guy likes to eat his lunch this way. The little bluish-grey and white bird with a sharp beak is a frequent visitor to many Bluffton bird feeders. To view all home page feature photo from The Icon click here.

By Fred Steiner

All I wanted was a one-day-old roll from The Dough Hook.

But, it became much more complicated than that last Saturday. Complicated for several reasons. For starters, I forgot to take my pills, so I stopped into Common Grounds for a quick jolt. Was planning on informing Phil Zimmerly that his chamber renewal was up.

Being the end of the month he and one other guy started moaning about bills due on the 31st. So, I kept my mouth shut.

Scores bowled on: Jan.30
Boys High Game

Kaden Reneker 135
Kaden Reneker 126
Ben Baxter 108
Gavin Hofferbert 104

Bluffton police report the suspect conviction and closure of a 2009 sexual assault investigation, according to Rick Skillier, Bluffton police chief.

Police were contacted in July, 2009, to investigate allegations of some form of sexual activity between a female juvenile and a 19-year-old male. The investigation led to a five count indictment of Jeremy L. Perrine, 19. Each of the five counts was for unlawful sexual conduct with a minor, with all counts being fourth degree felonies.
