The Blaze can't happen without volunteers
Bluffton is a community of volunteers. Just ask Bev Amstutz. She chairs the Bluffton Cultural Affairs Committee, which is involved in placing the Ream Holiday Folk Art Display on the Bluffton Presbyterian Church lawn each year.
We asked Bev to share with Icon viewers what it takes to put the Ream display in place and keep it in tip-top condition. We never dreamed her list would be this lengthy.
For starters, members of the Bluffton Cultural Affairs Committe include, Bev Amstutz, Jeannie Ream, Linda Best, Chris Akerman and Jerry Burkholder.
Other volunteers are Fred Rodabaugh, Bob Amstutz, Shelia and Tom Niswander, Ed and Nancy Yeager, Mary Nitz and Dennis Morrison.
Elevator Service and Storage, Inc. of Beaverdam, donated a lift truck to help install the lights on the trees. Marty Benroth and Chuck Yeagle helped in the project.
Jeff Carroll and Mike Reichelderfer, AEP employees, helped put up the lights.
Over 40 volunteers spent a Saturday morning placing the Ream display on the lawn. They included Bluffton Boy Scout troop 256 and leaders Gary Wetherill and Clair Zeits.
In addition, Chris Ackerman, helped hang the lights. Members of his youth basketball team also helped install the display.
Jeanne Previte of Jeanne's Kitchen donated sandwiches for all these volunteers on two Saturdays. Coletta, Terry and Helen Mullenhour provided guidance in placing the display. They also offered coffee and food for the volounteers.
State Route 103 Speedway provided soft drinks and chips.
When the display comes down in January it will be the Presbyterian youth who handles that assignment.
The Bluffton Senior Citizen Center provides space in its basement to store the Ream display.
While the display is up Bob Amstutz, Fred Rodabaugh, Roger Brodman and Dennis Morrison check the lights each night in case some burn out and need replaced.
Some other helpers:
Jerry and Betty Burkholder decorated the Bluffton town hall front.
Larry Reichenbach donates antique vehicles from his collection to be used in the Blaze parade for parade marshals, the light switcher and the Bluffton University president and his wife.
New to the Ream display:
The Swiss Historical Homestead on Bixel Road is the 2009 addition to the Blaze figurines. The piece is located on the Cherry Street side of the lawn behind the skaters. Bev said that the homestead, built in the 1840s was chosen to go along with this year's Blaze theme "Home for Christmas." Terry Mullenhour created the piece.
Other volunteers include members of the Bluffton Presbyterian Church choir and Dave Sycks. The choir will sing on the church steps as the lights go on. Sycks will follow the singing by playing "I'll be home for Christmas," on the trumpet.
Blaze cards:
For the 10th year, Bev Amstutz has created special Blaze of Lights cards. They are on sale at Greg's Pharmacy. This year's card shows the Swiss Homestead. The cards are available at 60 cents each.
John George volunteers his time as Blaze master of ceremonies. His duties take place from 4 p.m. until the lights go on at 7 p.m.
In addition to all these volunteers, a Blaze of Lights Committee, under the direction of Elaine Harris, has met monthly since last February to plan this year's event.
Memebers of the committe with Harris are Brenda Gaines, Diane Almanon, Cathy Cripe, Junior Weihrauch, Rick Skilliter, Tracy Steele and Fred Steiner.
The Gift of Giving light show also has several volunteers. The Icon will add their names as soon as the complete list is available.