All Bluffton Icon News

BFR will be open for informal recreation over the holidays, according to Carole Eneking, director. Except for closing early (at noon) on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve, and being closed for Christmas Day and New Year's Day, BFR will have lots of time for guests.

Non-members may use the facility without charge when visiting with a current BFR member. Open gymnasium and arena times will be available from 9 a.m.. to 9 p.m. on most days; the daily fee for non-members is $5.

Bluffton Police Department
Public Docket
Dec. 1 to 15, 2009

1 - Police responded to the intersection of Church and Jackson Streets to assist the EMS.

4 -Police took a complaint from a N. Main St. business in regards to several individuals who had passed bad checks at the business.

5 - Police took a complaint of telephone harassment from a Snider Road resident.

7 - Officers responded to I-75 in regards to several traffic crashes near the County Line Road overpass.

7th grade Bluffton Middle School girls' basketball results:

Lost to Delphos Jefferson 28-13
. Scorers for Bluffton: Lauren Parkins 5, Maddie Domer 1, Sidney Joseph 4, Kearstin Barry 1, Abbey Bryer 2
Lost to Allen East 26-14. Lauren Parkins 5, Maddie Domer 4, Olivia Sneary 1, Kearstin Barry 2, Mackayla Wilson 2
Beat USV 21-15. Lauren Parkins 10, Sidney Joseph 5, Kearstin Barry 2, Abbey Bryer 4

Blaize Potts

Bluffton High School grad Petty Officer Blaize Potts, serving in the United States Coast Guard in Alaska, recently received a citation for outstanding achievement while serving as flight mechanic aboard a Coast Guard HH-65C helicopter this past January. This rescue was selected for an award to be presented at a helicopter expo in Houston in February 2010.

The crew of which Potts was a member was dispatched from Cold Bay, Alaska, to evacuate a severely injured crewman with severe head trauma from the F/V Kodiak.

Icon viewers may drop off letters to Santa in the special mail box in the Bluffton Post Office lobby. The post office delivers the letters to The Icon to print. Then, if a mailing address is included, the letters to to the elves at the Bluffton Senior Citizens Center for a personal reply.

Dear Santa:

This weekend is your final chance of the season to view the Bluffton Baptist Church's live nativity. The final showing is Saturday, Dec. 19. The nativity, located in the church parking lot at 345 County Line Road, may be viewed from 7 to 9 p.m. This is the 26th season of the church's live nativity.
