For the upcoming weekend of May 4-5, I'd love to be a non-fiction Hermione Granger or at least to borrow her magical time turner that allows her to be in more than one place at once.
DELPHOS __ The Bluffton High School softball team led early but lost 15-5 to Delphos Jefferson in a Northwest Conference battle Tuesday evening, April 30.
This week a caller tried to persuade me that the May 5 Trout Derby in Bluffton, Ohio does not take place at Buckeye Lake.
There is a somewhat better known Buckeye Lake in Licking County, where there is a village called Buckeye Lake, a reservoir called Buckeye Lake and Buckeye Lake State Park.
SPENCERVILLE __ The visiting Bluffton High School softball team defeated Spencerville 13-7 in a Northwest Conference slugfest Monday evening, April 29.
Award provides $500 scholarship for local high school senior
Columbus __ Maria Rellinger, Treasurer/CFO at Apollo Career Center, was awarded the 2024 Outstanding Treasurer/CFO of the Year Award by the Ohio Association of School Business Officials (OASBO) Foundation for School Business Management at its 2024 Annual Conference & Expo in Columbus.