Dear Santa: Do you like sugar cookies?
Icon viewers may drop off letters to Santa in the special mail box in the Bluffton Post Office lobby. The post office delivers the letters to The Icon to print. Then, if a mailing address is included, the letters to to the elves at the Bluffton Senior Citizens Center for a personal reply.
Dear Santa:
I love you. Christmas is Jesus birthday. When is your's? I have been very good. Do you like sugar cookies? What do your reindeer eat? May I please have Lego police figures, Star Wards action light saber, Lego city combine harvester, Lego Star Wards battle defender.
Love, Lucas Prichard, age 5
Dear Santa:
Can I have some rings and some boots and some dresses, shirts and hats? May I please have some sweatshirts. Can Mr. Tibbles have some rabbit stuff. And the bird too please. What is your favorite cookie? What is the reindeer's favoriate food.
Love, Darby Elaine Prichard