The Bluffton University football team rallied in the second half but turnovers proved to be the difference as Kalamazoo scored a 39-14 win over the Beavers on a hot and humid Saturday, Sept. 3, 2011. Bluffton starts the season 0-1, while the Hornets head into week two at 1-0.
Two turnovers by the home team in the first four minutes of the game set up a pair of Dimeko Price touchdowns for the Hornets. K-zoo jumped on top 12-0 at the 9:03 mark of the first quarter when Price went in from six yards out.
Bluffton native and Allen County Common Pleas Judge Richard Warren will launch the 2011-12 monthly breakfast season for the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce.
Judge Warren will speak at the 7:30 a.m., Friday, Sept. 9, chamber breakfast held in the third floor of the town hall.
The meeting is open to the public, and RSVPs are required by Wednesday at [email protected]. As of Saturday over 60 persons have RSVPed.
15 minutes with Kathryn Luginbuhl, Alison King and Kathy Dickson
Interview in front of Common Grounds - Mike Romey walked by and contributed, but we can't read our notes about what he said. In this interview Kathryn Luginbuhl is "Kat," Kathy Dickson is "Kat 2," and Alison is "Al." Al and Kat are sisters.
Icon: Kat, we understand you are on your way out of town.
Kat: I'm headed to Asheville, North Carolina.
Icon: Why?
Kat: I look at it as a one-year adventure with three college friends.
Bluffton University will host Game Day @ Bluffton Saturday, Sept. 3, when the Beavers meet Kalamazoo College in their football home opener at 2 p.m. at Salzman Stadium.
Tickets are $5 for adults and $3 for children; children under 5 are admitted free.
Before the game, a picnic-style lunch will be available in a tent at the stadium from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Cost is $6.
This year's event focuses on patriotic music featured in "We the People," a patriotic musical by Pat Cook and Bill Francoeur.
Performances are on Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 10-11 and 17-18 at the Crossroads Ministry Center of Bluffton's Ebenezer Mennonite Church. Kevin Gratz directs the production.