All Bluffton Icon News

Barber expanding hours

Craig Stone, new Bluffton barber has expanded hours due to his business picking up. Click here for details.

Richland Manor's 4th annual Friday night cruise-in starts at 4 p.m., Friday, June 17. This year's event includes trophies for the top five cars and a trophy for the best motorcycle.

The event includes games and had several door prizes plus a 50-50 raffle benefiting local food banks.

Owners of antique vehicles (car, trucks, motorcycles) are invited to enter the show and enjoy a cookout at Richland Manor, 7400 Swaney Road, Bluffton.

This year's entry fee are canned good donations, which will be given to area food pantries.

A drivers' appreciation carry-in meal is planned at 1 p.m., Sunday, June 12, at the Beaverdam Church of Christ. The event is hosted by the Beaverdam Church of Christ and Second Chance Chapel.

Persons are invited to bring one hot and one cold dish. Table service and drinks will be provided.

The singing group New Dawning from Ft. Wayne, Ind., will perform. The event is open to the public.

The final honor roll of the 2010-11 season was released on June 3 for Bluffton elementary fourth and fifth graders. The students are listed in an attachment at the bottom of this story.

Craig Stone new Bluffton barber is expanding his shop's hours. He is now open Tuesdays, Wednesday and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Fridays from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and Saturdays from 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

He told The Icon that the expansion is because business in Bluffton is picking up. His shop is at 125 N. Main St. (lower), and the cell phone is 419-302-0552. Click here for more details.

BFR will offer Adventure Camp and Gym & Swim for Pre-schoolers in June, according to Carole Enneking, BFR director.

Children ages 2-6 are welcome to register for the first session of Gym and Swim. Tentative plans are for the program to start June 6, meeting on Monday and Wednesday from 4:30-5:50 p.m. for five sessions.

Gym and Swim begins with activities at BFR followed by a swim lesson at the Bluffton Community Swimming Pool.

The session will be delayed if the Bluffton pool is not open at that time.Cost is $40 ($25 BFR member).
