All Bluffton Icon News

The current Bluffton Lions Club newsletter is now posted for Icon viewers. To view it open the attachment at the bottom of this story.

The Icon spotted this random plate in Ada. Don't know it's meaning or owner.

Several Bluffton High School athletes were named to the all Northwest Conference baseball and softball teams. Here's the list:

All-NWC Baseball Team
1st team

Gabe Goldsberry - Bluffton - Senior - P/SS
Nathan Cheney - Bluffton - Senior - P/SS

Second Team
Brandon Falk - Bluffton - Senior - CF

Honorable Mention:
Clay Wannemacher - Bluffton - Senior - C
Chris McClain - Bluffton - Freshman - 1B
Jeremy Basinger - Bluffton - Junior - RF

Do you enjoy taking photographs? Have great shots of your children? Favorite vacation scenes? Maybe your passion is capturing nature in your own backyard. If you take photos for the fun and joy of it, you are eligible to participate in Bluffton Public Library's Amateur Photo Contest.

Do you have photos of past family members without any recollection of their history? Are you curious about your family or local history?

Anne Stratton, a licensed and certified appraiser who is nationally recognized in the antique appraisal field, will present a program titled "Unpuzzle Your Past by Analyzing Old Photos" on Tuesday, June 14, at 6:30 p.m. T

his program will be held in the lower level of the Bluffton Public Library and is sponsored by Deer Creek Shoppes.

A special service will be held on Ascension Day, Thursday, June 2, at 7 p.m. at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Jenera. The service, commemorates Jesus' ascension into Heaven. Everyone is welcome and the church is handicapped accessible. For more information, see:
