All Bluffton Icon News

BFR, 215 Snider Road, announces a Senior Health and Fitness Day Wednesday, May 25, according to Carole Enneking, director.

All events are free and open to seniors ages 55 and older. In addition to programs planned, tours are available at each location.

Events are planned in in five locations.

So many colors...

Sand art was among the popular attractions at Saturday's Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce arts and crafts show.

The Icon spotted this Franklin County plate on Cherry Street during the arts and crafts festival.

The Bluffton Lady Pirates earned their first ever softball District Championship Saturday afternoon at Wapakoneta, as they trounced the McComb Panthers 12-2 in 6 innings. The Pirates advanced to the finals after a 9-5 win over New Bremen on Friday evening.

Bluffton High School's 2011 baccalaureate service is at 7 p.m., Sunday, May 22, at Ebenezer Mennonite Church.

Several members of the 2011 graduating class are participating. A copy of the service is available in the attachment at the bottom of this story.

District champs!
