All Bluffton Icon News

Historical talks

Cindi Chasse talks with Charles Niswander and behind them Gene Heitmeyer talks with Phillip Kingsley following Friday morning's chanber breakfast, which focused on a proposed Bluffton heritage center.

Belles & Beaux Scores bowled on: Apr. 3
Men's High Game

Shane Bugner 278
John Dailey 266
Shane Bugner 265
Steve Swisher 255

Women's High Game
Cathy Bugner 221
Chris Hermiller 211
Cathy Bugner 204
Adele Simon 201

Men's High Series
Shane Bugner 757
Steve Swisher 686
John Dailey 666
Rick Baker 654


Here's a black and white photo taken by Bluffton professional photographer Leland Gerber of the Marshall-Bixel Appliances, during its grand opening.

We need some assistance from Icon views on the background of this business. Checking out the merchandise in the store, one sees ringer washing machines, refrigerators, freezers, mixers, electric ranges and sweepers.

We're placing this photo in the late 1950s. Viewer information is welcome.

Here's one you don't see everyday in downtown Bluffton. The Icon spotted this Big Sky - Montana plate on Main Street last week.

Click on image to enlarge - Doug holding his son Kevin during a business visit to Bluffton

Doug Moneer of Lima was in Bluffton on Friday promoting his Super Hero Pooper Scoopers business. The business is an advertiser on The Icon.

Super Hero Pooper Scooper, a pet waste service, is expanding into Bluffton. Moneer, 341 Laney Ave., Lima, is offering the service.

"The benefits from my service is that it saves busy pet owners' time and the hassle of cleaning up their pet's dirty business and it keeps yards maintained from pet waste."

Moneer is now scheduling appointments in the Bluffton and surrounding areas.

Click on image to enlarge

Panache, Bluffton's newest business, which opened on March 23, held a ribbon cutting on April 10, sponsored by the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce.

Persons participating in the event, from right to left, are Jasmine Whitlow, Tammy Whitlow, Jamie Jackson, Robyn Smith, Doug Smith, Renee Smith, Lyle Smith, Olivia Schulte, Alexia Schulte, Autumn Schulte, Hunter Smith, Tanner Pinks and Teresa Pinks.
