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In Bluffton we have the privilege of a school that consistently ranks near the top for student learning. At the same time our school ranks near the bottom for money spent per student. What a bargain. We have high performance at low cost. From an economic viewpoint it doesn't get much better.
In cooperation with the Village of Bluffton, the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce, and the Bluffton American Legion, the S.H.A.N.N.O.N. Service Club of Bluffton is again in the process of seeking sponsorship for the purchase of the American Flags that line Main Street of Bluffton each summer.
Bluffton's Tree Commission Arbor Day celebration recognized the late Eugene and Evelyn Benroth. The commission planted several trees and bushes at the entrance of the Benroth Bridge over Marsh Run at the Buckeye. This year a committee of volunteers spruced up the bridge area and renovated the bridge. Standing from left are Sam and Janette Reineke and Bev and Bob Amstutz. Janette and Bev are daughters of Eugene and Evelyn. Click here for additional photos of the event.
The theme: Masquerade. The event: The Bluffton High School prom. Cory Hilty accompanies his date, Carissa Luginbill, to the Junior-Senior Prom at the Centre on the evening of April 24. Although it rained as attendees drove up in their wheels, the atmosphere, complete with probably a hundred or more on-lookers, had all the makings of the Academy Awards night - cameras, announcers, cheers and oohs and ahs from the crowd, and valets parking the waxed machines.