All Bluffton Icon News

Lower 48 Funny Cake Pie

The only guess as to the name of this pie, or is it a cake, is that no one north of the lower 48 have ever heard of it. Actually, with one ingredient change its technically the Upper 48 Funny Cake Pie, as you will soon discover. Despite that, it's pretty taste and easy to mix up.

Top ingredients:

1/2 cup sugar

1/3 cup applesauce

2 egg whites

1 teaspoon baking power

1 cup whole wheat flower

Colton Klingler, student in the pre-kindergarden class at Blufton Child Development Center shows Icon readers a piece of his recent art work. He is the son of Stephanie Klingler

Remember to vote on Tuesday, Nov. 3. The polls in Bluffton and Richland Township are open from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Local ballot:

  • Bluffton council
  • Bluffton school board
  • Allen County tax referendum
  • Three state issues

The Icon will provide election night coverage as soon as the Allen County board of election releases its figures.

Jeff Laing

Jeff Laing says he started building houses in Mrs. Emmert's Bluffton kindergarten class. If that is true, his involvement in the construction trade is a truly life-long love.
After graduating from Bluffton High School and attending the University of Findlay, Laing worked the counter at Carter Lumber in Columbus Grove. Then he worked for Lima Lumber Co., with Mike Steiner and Kevin Gratz. Following that he joined Alexander Homes where he worked from 1994 to 2007. In 2007 he joined Stan Clemens in Clemens Construction Group where he worked until earlier this year.

By Andr'e Swartley

Issue #3
Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
(With a bonus review of Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty)
Developer: Insomniac Games
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Platform: Playstation 3
Rating: E for Everyone


1 PASTA can usually be spotted on Vine Street near Jeanne's Kitchen. It is on the van driven by Jeanne Previte of Ada.
