All Bluffton Icon News

July 18, 2023 


The Apollo Career Center Board of Education hereby gives public notice that  

Keith Horner, currently employed by the Apollo Career Center Board of Education as the superintendent, is retiring and seeking re-employment with the district in the  same position. The Board of Education proposes to re-employ Mr. Horner at its  regular meeting on Monday September 25, 2023. 

The Board of Education will hold a public hearing on the issue of re-employing Mr. Horner at its regular monthly meeting on Monday, August 28,  2023, at 7 p.m., in Apollo’s Board room, 3325 Shawnee Road, Lima, Ohio. 

Contact: Maria Rellinger 

COLUMBUS, OH (July 18, 2023) - Due to improved air quality conditions throughout the state, Ohio EPA has cancelled the statewide Air Quality Advisory. Smoke from Canadian wildfires is now having less of an impact throughout the state. The most recent statewide advisory expired at end of day, Monday, July 17, 2023.

Everyone in Bluffton surely knows where the Bluffton Dari Freeze is (at the corner of Bentley and Main). Now travelers across the state have a handy map pointing them to the seasonal ice cream and food stand. 

On the State of Ohio Ice Cream Trail map, you’ll find the shop in the #7 slot – counterclockwise, it’s just next to Dietsch Brothers of Findlay. If you’re on I-75, you find the stand within view of exit 140.

Owner Kevin Tuttle says he has no idea how many out-of-towners are among his customers. But he is honored to be on the Ice Cream Trail and says it’s “cool” to be among the ice cream makers and retailers on the map.

Tuttle notes people are surprised that the small walk-up shop with outdoor tables provides an extensive menu of tenderloins, wraps and burgers, giving them a chance to have lunch or dinner with dessert.


By Paula Scott

The 9th annual Bluffton Ride to Remember was a big day for organizers and for cyclists. The Bluffton Lions Club fundraising event brought 200+ riders together to enjoy four loops on Bluffton area roads, supported by volunteers who planned and then manned event registration and rest stops. The Bluffton community pitched in with facilities, opportunities to enjoy lunch with a discount coupon and a cinch sack full of gifts from Bluffton merchants and organizations.

At 10:00 a.m. on July 19, the Bluffton Public Library will be hosting the Lima/Allen County RTA's "Steamy" the trolley. Participants will learn about public transportation and the services offered by ACTRA. This is an encore presentation following a June event.

July 16-22 initiative responds to crashes killing and injuring civilians and officers

COLUMBUS – The Ohio State Highway Patrol joins forces with other members of the 6-State Trooper Project to focus on Move Over violations. The initiative began on Sunday, July 16 at 12:01 a.m. and will continue through Saturday, July 22 at 11:59 p.m.

The high-visibility enforcement initiative includes the Indiana State Police, Kentucky State Police, Michigan State Police, Pennsylvania State Police and the West Virginia State Police, as well as OSHP.

Since 2018, Ohio State Highway Patrol cruisers were struck in 61 crashes that were “Move Over” related. During that same time period, the Patrol issued 26,739 Move Over violation citations. These crashes resulted in the deaths of two civilians and 56 injuries to officers and civilians. In 2022, there were only 11 such crashes, 38 percent fewer than in 2021.
