All Bluffton Icon News

Bluffton's Cemetery Board will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, July 10 at Bluffton Town Hall, 154 N. Main.

Additional public meetings are listed on the Bluffton Icon Classifieds page.

By Cort Reynolds

KENTON–The Bluffton Sardines summer swim squad dominated the eight-team West Ohio Aquatic League championship meet with a clean sweep of the three team titles at Kenton Friday and Saturday, July 7-8.

Bring a chair, bring a friend to the 6:00 p.m. meeting of the Gardeners of the Bluffton Pandora Area on Tuesday, July 11. Head down the lane at the Community Gardens sign at 9900 S. Main St, Bluffton. Master Gardener Volunteer Marge Lafollette will provide a program on growing and eating herbs, including recipes.

Unusual snapshot reveals a forgotten Bluffton of 100 to 125 years ago

By Fred Steiner

Yes, this is a Bluffton street intersection. But, where? Only one clue reveals the location. A street sign on the right side of the intersection reads “GROVE ST.” A second street sign on the pole next to the Grove Street sign, not readable however, identifies what is today’s Kibler Street

A handwritten sentence on the photo’s back side confirms the location. It reads: Bentley Road and Grove Street Bluffton, Ohio – looking into Kibler Street.

Below the handwriting it is a stamped “Neu-Art Studio, photographers, Bluffton, Ohio.”

This photograph came from Paul Klassen, one of Bluffton’s oldest residents, today in his ninth decade.


The July 10 meeting of the Village of Bluffton Council will take place at 7:00 p.m. on the third floor of Bluffton Town Hall, 154 N. Main.

The attached agenda has been provided to the Icon by Village Administrator Jesse Blackburn.

Legislation includes:

  • An refuse and recyclables collection ordinance including rates; 2nd reading
  • Three resolutions regarding participation in State Capital Improvement and/or local transportation improvement programs; 1st reading
  • A resolution adopting the Bluffton Beyond Tomorrow Comprehensive Plan; 1st reading by emergency

Arrests include alleged robbery in progress, domestic violence and 2 warrants

The following June 2023 docket was provided by Sergeant Tyler Hochstetler of the Bluffton Police Department.

June 1

  • Officers issued citations to a Lima, Ohio resident for speeding and driving under suspension following a traffic stop in the area of North Main Street near Lake Street. The case is pending in Lima Municipal Court.
