Dr. John M. Perkins, who was active in the civil rights movement and advocates Christian community development as well as racial reconciliation, will discuss poverty during a Bluffton University Forum on Tuesday, Jan. 18.
Perkins' address, "Responding to Poverty," is free and open to the public, beginning at 11 a.m. in Yoder Recital Hall. It is part of Bluffton's observance of the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.
Fred Rodabaugh, Bluffton mayor, announced that he will not seek re-election in 2011. His announcement was made at the first council meeting of the year.
"I will not run - my position is open," he said. Rodabaugh has served the village for over a quarter of a century as a council member or mayor. Four years ago he ran unopposed for the mayoral spot.
Persons interested in being on a Democrat or Republican party mayoral ballot in the May Ohio primary have until Feb. 2 to file petitions. Rodabaugh had served as mayor as a Republican.
Bluffton Area Ministerial Association's annual pulpit exchange takes place on Sunday, Jan. 16. The exchange has been a ministerial tradition for several years. Here's who preaches where on Sunday in Bluffton:
Bluffton Public Library's monthly book discussion will be held from noon to 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 9.
"We'll be exploring the worlds of Italy, India and Indonesia through the eyes of Elizabeth Gilbert's bestseller, Eat, Pray, Love," said Leslie Liberato, adult services coordinator. The book discussion will be held at Common Grounds Coffeehouse & Caf'e.
Anyone interested in attending is welcome and a month-to-month commitment is not required. Copies of the book are available at the library.
Former Bluffton resident Evan Herr provided some additional information about the "Red Baby."
#1 cost $50.
#2 had a broken rear axle when purchased.
#3 went to Chev. Amstutz & bought a used one.
#4 work on car was done at C.F. Niswander & Son business Bldg
#5 we put 600/16 tires on car.
#6 interior painted white
#7 many lights
#8 radio