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The regular board meeting for Apollo Career Center is scheduled for Monday, April 24, 2023, at 7:00 p.m.  The meeting will be held in Apollo's Board room.

The agenda is HERE.

Jeremy Scoles represents the Bluffton school district on the board.

Join us in thanking the Icon advertisers of the week. They make it possible to provide FREE news updated daily.

Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio, 419-358-1015

Spectrum Salon, 422 N Main St, Bluffton, Ohio, 419-358-0556

Sea captain, surveyor and Ohio's last frontiersman James Riley will be travelling throught he Time Machine to visit the Bluffton Senior Center on Friday, April 21.  Captain Riley will arrive at 1:00 p.m. and begin his presentation at 1:30. He needs to be back in  The Time  Machine by 4:00 p.m. or he will morph to become Darrell Groman.

As a surprise to all, Captain Riley will be accompanied by another Time Machine traveler, Henry Wing. Mr. Wing is a resident of rural Putnam County and is a member of Riley's surveying company. Mr. Wing will show and discuss his  extensive collection of surveying  instruments to those who are interested, before he morphs to become Keith Sommer.

Volunteer Guardians provide a lifeline to vulnerable adults in Allen County. An individual might need end-of-life care; another has mental health issues; some are estranged from family. All are victims of crime including financial exploitation, domestic violence, sexual and physical assault and need a guardian to manage their major affairs.

This is where the Guardian Program of Crime Victim Services steps in, meeting a growing need of both our community and the Allen County Probate Court.

By Karen Kier
Pharmacist on behalf of the ONU HealthWise team

Julie Andrews was the beloved Mary Poppins in the 1964 Walt Disney film. One of the songs is A Spoonful of Sugar to encourage the children to take a daunting task and make it fun.  Interestingly, Julie Andrews was not a fan of the original work titled The Eyes of Love. Disney asked Richard and Robert Sherman to rearrange the song into a snappier version.  

Robert Sherman got the idea after realizing his children received their polio vaccine. He asked if the polio shot hurt. The children were a bit startled since they reported the vaccine was in a sugar cube. The inspiration was born.

I remember standing in the school hallway waiting for my sugar cube with the vaccine. You may be thinking this article is about taking your medicine appropriately. Although a great topic, I will save it for another day. I want to discuss sugar!


The Findlay Municipal Court will once again be conducting its 6th Annual Safe Surrender Day on April 27, 2023 from 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. in conjunction with Second Chance Month.

April is Second Chance Month, which aims to inform and highlight the many opportunities for state and local governments and community-based service providers to build meaningful second chances for our community members.
