Jim Barnett (BHS Class of 1969) is now a member of ADK46R, the select club for mountaineers who have scaled all of the 46 Adirondack Mountain peaks over 4,000 feet high. The club was started in the early 1920s after Robert and George Marshall published a book "The High Peaks of the Adirondacks" recounting their climbs. The pair believed that all the peaks they documented were 4,000 feet and over, but subsequent geological surveys have shown that 4 of the mountains are slightly less. The highest peak of the 46 is Mt. Marcy which is 5,344 feet.
As you know, after the Blaze of Lights this fall, another big event is coming up. The 150 years of progress, Bluffton's sesquicentennial, will be held June 24 to July 2, 2011.
At the current time we need people to contact Terry Mullenhour and volunteer to design and embroidery a quilt square. She has the squares available and the information for the sesquicentennial quilt.
The old adage "Sex, UFOs and Elvis" sells news better than anything, was proven wrong on Nov. 5 in Bluffton.
When a 6-buck decided to explore the inside of Luke's Bar and Grill on Main Street, it was like sex-ufos-elvis all rolled into one. As a result The Bluffton Icon had it highest-ever single view day.
After the clock struck 12 on the 5th here's the results:
A six-point buck crashed through the front window of Luke's Bar and Grill, North Main Street, around 3 p.m., spent 30 seconds in the bar, and exited quickly from an open back door that Luke's employee Roy Rayl opened for it.