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The elementary and middle school lunch menu for November was recently released. It may be viewed by opening the attachment at the bottom of this story.

Macy Wilson, Maranda Miller, Emma Miller, Maxwell Wilson


More than 50 youth participated in this year's BFR Halloween Party, held Oct. 24. The photo attachment to this story shows the individual winners listed below.

Winners of costume party:

  • 0-3 years Division: Nicolas Lovett - Bat
  • 4-6 years Division: Casey Osborne - Vampire
  • 7-10 years Division: Olivia Barnes - Cat in the Hat
  • Family/Team Division: Brianna and Bracen Taber - Spider Man and Woman

TEH. BEST. GAMES. EVAR.Andr'e Swartley
PSN ID: lordgodalming

Costume QuestDeveloper: Double Fine
Platform: Playstation Network, Xbox Live MarketplaceRating: E for Everyone
Similar games: Super Mario RPG

John Risner spends most of his time in the Mansfield, Ohio, area, as youth pastor at Ontario Christian Fellowship and a student at Ashland Seminary.

But this weekend, the Bluffton University alumnus will be in San Antonio, Texas, where a movie in which he made his professional acting debut-in the lead role-is among eight nominees in the Feature Film category at the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival.

Citizens National Bank will host a free seminar for businesses, titled "Health Care Reform: The Impact on Small Business", on Tuesday, Nov. 9, at the Courtyard by Marriott, 936 Greely Chapel Rd, Lima.

Registration will begin at 7:30 a.m. followed by the one-hour program at 8 a.m. The seminar is presented by Group Benefits Agency, Inc., a preferred partner of the Community Bankers Association of Ohio.

Bluffton University arts and events: November 2010 Events are free and open to the public unless noted otherwise.

Nov. 1 Visiting Writer's Reading: Crystal Wilkinson, author of Blackberries, Blackberries and Water Street, 4 p.m., Musselman Library

Nov. 2 Forum: "From Nowhere to Naturalist: An Interpretive History of Mr. Todd Crail," by Todd Crail, Bluffton graduate and Ph.D. student at the University of Toledo, 11 a.m., Yoder Recital Hall
