All Bluffton Icon News

Thursday, Oct. 21, is the date of the next community meals scheduled by the Bluffton Area Ministerial Association.

The meal is at 6 p.m., held at the Bluffton Senior Citizens Center and is hosted by Mennonite Memorial Home.

The meal is open to the public. Donations accepted are given to the Bluffton Community Assistance Program food pantry.

Kathryn Elizabeth (Suter) Luginbill, 91, died at the Hilty Home, Pandora, Ohio, on Oct. 19, 2010. She was born to Harvey and Sylvia (Lugibihl) Suter on April 8, 1919, in Bluffton.

Kathryn was preceded in death by one brother, Dale Suter, and has two living sisters, Wanda Pannabecker of Bluffton, and LaDonna (Lloyd) Shook of Myrtle Beach, S.C.

On Dec. 18, 1943, she married Paul Luginbill who preceded her in death in 1991.

Julius "Jay" Robert Sanyi, 82, of Bluffton died at 9:55 p.m., Oct. 19, 2010, at Birchaven Village, Findlay.

He was born Nov. 10, 1927, in Pittsburgh, Pa., to Josef and Rosalia Konyha Sanyi. On July 24, 1990, he married Wilma Zimmerman and she survives.

Mr. Sanyi was retired from the Ford Engine Plant, Cleveland. He was a member of First United Methodist Church, Bluffton, a member of American Legion 536, Gilboa and a veteran of the U.S. Navy and U.S. Army Reserves, serving in World War II.

A little fall housekeeping is in order in Bluffton. This sweeper can suck up just about anything, including all the fallen leaves in your yard. The village leaf sweeping crew is active this month. Residents who place their leaves on their curbs will have them taken care of by the village crew.

One thing for certain: This guy golfs. The Icon shot this plate on Jackson Street near Bluffton High School.

The University Singers from Ohio Northern University will perform at First United Methodist Church, Bluffton at 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 27. The concert is part of the choir's fall tour.

The select, 47-voice choir will perform a variety of works including classical and spiritual pieces. The performance is in the sanctuary at 116 Church St.. The public is invited. Admission is free; a free-will offering will be accepted to help cover the choir's expenses.
