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Is there a member of the class of 2010 in your home? Southgate Lanes of Bluffton has an offer you may want to consider when planning that party for the grad. For the first-time ever, Southgate is making itself available for graduation parties. Click here for details.


The Greg Conkling of his day, Edgar Hauenstein, served most of his life as Bluffton's druggist. This photo of Mr. Hauenstein, was taken by Darvin Luginbuhl for The Lima News. It was taken upon Mr. Hauenstein's retirement after serving 23 years on the Bluffton-Richland Public Library board. The wording on the back of the photo reads: Mr. Hauenstein is pictured at his usual post of pharmacist at Hauenstein's corner drug store. Seen in the background are authentic apothecary bottles which are over 80 years old.
(Collection of Fred Steiner)

Hancock County, J stands for James, and BEN is short for Benroth. We spotted his plate on Main Street while he was in the library.

Cottonwood Jam String Band

An old-time dance with the Cottonwood Jam String Band will take place at 7:30 p.m., Friday, May 14, in the third floor of the Bluffton town hall.

According to Wendy Chappell-Dick of the village cultural affairs committee, "We will bring together four musicians from the greater Toledo area, the Cottonwood Jam String Band to play a blend of traditional old time, folk and bluegrass music for contra dances. Admission is by donation."

Bluffton Police Department
Public Docket
April 30, 2010

April 16
-Police responded to a non-injury traffic crash at the intersection of SR 103 and Commerce Ln. Adam Akers, 30, of Huber Heights was issued a citation for Failure to Yield the Right of Way and that case is pending in Bluffton Mayor~Ac^a'not^a"cs Court.

Jacob Garmatter catches number 101

In celebration of the 2010 centennial year of the Boy Scouts of America, Bluffton Boy Scout Troop #256 sponsored tag trout #100 during the Bluffton Sportmen's Club Trout Derby. The trout was caught by Jacob Garmatter of Bluffton (left). Assistant Scoutmaster Darrell Groman (right) presented Jacob with an official BSA 100th anniversary commemorative pocket knife with holographic images of Cub Scout and Boy Scout rank badges.
