All Bluffton Icon News

Boy Scout Troop 256 from Bluffton is participating in the national BSA event - Scouting for Food. Scouts delivered yellow plastic grocery bags to all houses in Bluffton and Beaverdam this past weekend.

Scouts will pick up the food on Saturday, March 12, starting at noon. All non-perishable food collected will be delivered to the Bluffton Food Pantry.

Trumpet section

The Bluffton High School concert band had a tune-up concert on March 9 for Bluffton senior citizens. The band prepares for its annual winter contest at Shawnee High School. To view a video of the performance click here.


Thanks for the timely coverage you provide. The Sesquicentennial is coming soon. I have made some contacts with distant cousins who are planning on coming to Bluffton for the celebration.

Some are coming from Arizona, California, Missouri, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Virginia, Massachusetts and Michigan. People are beginning to ask about a schedule of events.

Hilty Memorial Home, 304 Hilty Dr., Pandora, recently released its March calendar of events.

To view the calendar click here.

Hilty Memorial Home, 304 Hilty Drive, Pandora, will host an open house from noon to 2 p.m., Sunday, April 10, acccording to Joy Reichenbach, administrator.

The event will feature the Home's newly opened Transition to Home Unit and the new Assisted Living unit. A complimentary luncheon will be provide to the public.

Hilty Home offers several features, including:

The rest of the United States take note:

While collecting bargaining is a hot topic in Ohio, Wisconsin, Kentucky and elsewhere, observe how the Bluffton school board and Bluffton school administrators handled pay raises for the 2011-12 school year.

The two groups agreed that no pay increase will take place for administrators next school year.

Realizing that issues such as this can divide states, congressional districts, counties and even school districts, The Icon congratulates the board and administrators on coming to an agreement on this issue as it did.
