All Bluffton Icon News

Joey and Mary Cherry

What year did you graduate from Bluffton High School?
I graduated from BHS in 2006.

Lookin' good

Nicholas Essinger and Tyson Shutler, second graders, see the world through the eyes of a fly during an SESA visit to Bluffon schools.

By Kirstie Runion, Bluffton University Icon Intern
On Wednesday, Bluffton Elementary was filled with machines and colors. To watch a video of students in action, click here.

Give me a "B"

B-E-A-V-E-R-S keep the crowd motivated at men's basketball games this season in Founders Hall.

J. Denny Beaver at courtside

To watch a video of the beheading, click here.

After entertaining Bluffton's campus at more than 65 events since August, J. Denny Beaver's true identity was revealed at halftime of the men's basketball game on Feb. 16 during a beheading ceremony - the only time that college mascots traditionally remove their costume head in public.

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